Thursday, July 10, 2008

7 months and moving along

So i am finally at 30 weeks, which is right around 7 months. I have a bit more time to go, but everything is looking good. The Dr. says everything looks good, baby is good, so I am happy about that. I do have some pics to post but I have not yet uploaded them, but maybe one day I will. These days the baby moves a whole ton, its so fun to rest my hand on my stomach and just feel him move around. Most of his moving happens right at bedtime and early hours of the morning, which is fine, I am figuring out his sleeping patterns. I am so excited to be a mom and to have a baby and show him off to the world...Not too much longer and everyone will be able to see what he looks like!!!

1 comment:

Molly Scarbrough said...

you are so so so cute pregnant! i love it! I am glad you are doing so well.